Updates - Trio students celebrate the literary prowess of Kabir Das

In a themed event called the Kabir Project hosted recently, students of Trio World Academy, Bangalore familiarised themselves with the literary works of Kabir Das, a 15th century Indian mystic poet. The project aimed at discovering Kabir through the many facets of self, especially the reflective self and the artistic self. The students explored the literary wealth of Kabir’s dohas, sang them and engaged in a conversation about the subjectivity of its meaning. Besides this, some students also translated the poems into their native languages in order to share them with a larger audience.


Kabir was a renowned reformer of his time and is known for his criticism of various ideologies. His perceptions were not restricted to a certain group or ideology. The Kabir project, an initiative by Primary and Middle school students of Trio, explored how his poetry interconnects with ideas of cultural identity, secularism, nationalism, religion, love and impermanence.




“It is important for the students to develop their own perspectives about the literature available for them. The Kabir Project was one initiative to familiarise them with one of the most influential poets of the 15th century and spark their interest in literature. Kabir is known for his Dohas that laid bare the realities of the world and exploring these literary works helped our students to get in tune with varied perspectives of the literary world," said KM Naveen, managing director, Trio World Academy.
