Updates - TRIO students celebrate the beauty of womanhood

On March 8, Trio World Academy hosted a special event as part of Women’s Day on March 8, 2016. The event themed ‘I am beautiful’, created awareness about the relevance of International Women’s Day. The students were encouraged to appreciate the beauty of women in their lives. Each classroom had a special chart where students had to put their thumb impression to signify the way in which women had influenced their life. 

The event was organised to appreciate the significant ways in which women mould the lives of others. Students jotted down messages and adjectives to describe the importance of phenomenal women in their lives. While some students dedicated the messages to their mothers, there were many who were inspired by their teachers, sisters and friends. The event aimed at promoting the appreciation of the inner beauty of every woman. 

Naveen K.M Managing Director - Trio World Academy said that the uniqueness of the event lies in the concept of celebrating the beauty of womanhood. “The impact women have on our lives goes unnoticed quite often. On special days such as International Women’s Day we must take the opportunity to thank all the women for giving us love strength and unconditional support. The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is ‘Pledge for Parity’ and the best way to do so is to acknowledge the significance of a women’s role,” he added.