Updates - Ecole Mondiale World School organizes Relay for Life

Ecole Mondiale World School recently organised “Relay for Life” -  a fund raising event for cancer. Relay for Life was originally started by the American Cancer Society in 1985 as an event that aimed to not only raise funds for cancer research but also to educate the community on the treatments and prevention methods available.

Grade 8 to 12 students of Ecole Mondiale World School created teams of 6 – 8 participants and went door to door in their own communities spreading the word on cancer prevention and collecting funds during the process.

The event was modeled on a 12 hour format, with different activities scheduled throughout the night that followed Relay for Life’s motto: “Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.” Through various events, the students raised over 7.6 lakh that will be donated to the Indian Cancer Society, a non-profit organization that supports cancer patients across India.
