Updates - Ecole Mondiale World School celebrates the Spirit of Science

‘Science Festival 2013-14’ hosted at Ecole Mondiale World School was an ideal opportunity for the students to appreciate the relationship between science and technology, and their role in the society.

The student community between the age groups 12-16 years celebrated the culmination of a weeklong intensive inquiry in the form of an exhibition in the school premises, showcasing the inputs of the young scientists and technologists. They shared their understanding proudly with fellow students and parents who encouraged them on their jobs well done.

To further enhance their classroom experiences, concepts which they were exposed to in class, were taken a step ahead during grade level workshops held during the day by the enthusiastic workshop leaders from “Science Utsav” who believe in helping students understand concepts with hands on activities and leaving them with a sense of achievement.

The day ended in an awards ceremony which focused on selecting one group per classroom for their outstanding contributions while recognizing the others for having participated with fervor in “Science festival 2013-14”.

The vision of IB-MYP sciences and technology is to contribute to the development of students as inquirers, scientifically literate, caring and responsible individuals, who think critically and creatively when solving problems and making decisions about aspects affecting themselves, others and their social and natural environments.
