
Category: Toys and Teaching Aids
Subcategory: Activity Based Toys
Company: Virtual Edutechnica Pvt Ltd
Phone: 1613254189
Email: info@virtualedutechnica.com
Price: Unavailable
About the Product:
E-Blocks brings students’ interaction with software to a new dimension. With E-Blocks children ages 4 to 10, learn English, Spanish, and Math. Children learn with exciting pictures, music, animations, and games that encourage collaborative work and make learning meaningful, successful, and a concrete social experience.

All the programs in the E-Blocks family use a consistent innovative approach to learning. Therefore, the same sensory panel can be used to extend the learning across the curriculum, in subjects like English (ESL and first literacy), Spanish, math, and Portuguese. Furthermore, with the configurator features available in most of the E-Blocks programs, teachers can take E-Blocks into every subject in school curriculum. 

Unique Features:
eBlocks makes digital literacy accessible at the grass-root level, making students smarter and better equipped to face the challenges of tomorrow.
