Clarity English Language Lab

Category: Laboratories
Subcategory: Language Labs
Company: Young India Films Pvt. Ltd.
Phone: 4428295693
Price: Unavailable
About the Product:

Clarity offers a very innovative range of customized English teaching software courses from England having a rich multimedia content and strong emphasis on key learning areas of study skills, listening, grammar, speaking, IELTS preparation, reading, writing, vocabulary, exam preparation, pronunciation, authoring, integrated skills, and more.

The software based English multimedia language laboratory offers all the functions of a conventional language laboratory but in a digital form and with added features such as moving pictures. The programs are digital and maintenance free eradicating the jamming and wear and tear of master tracks. The teacher can monitor, control, and darken any or all the students monitor by a single click. The students also have additional features of web-based downloading directly from the internet and a combination of audio/video with text.

Unique Features:
Clarity is one of the popular English Teaching Software courses and this fact is endorsed by Customers worldwide like the British Council, Cambridge University Press, Harvard University Library etc.